Lovely mail call courtesy of blackwing came a few days back: Volumes N°64 pays homage to comic books and a welcome add to my ever- growing stash of #graphite! #comics #comicbooks #subscription #comicbookcollection #moldvayallday #blackwing #602 #midwestgrrlsnbois #areyouafiend #pencils #art #sequentialart #fourcolor #64colors #collectwhatyoulike #cedar #california #cbfcmidwest
The Blackwing Volume 64 is a neat pencil.
This limited edition collection is designed as a tribute to comic books and their artists. An assembly of bright CYMK colors capture the vibrancy generally recognized in comics. The barrel is an enlarged pixelation of patterns and textures used in illustrations.
At the core of this beauty is an undeniably smooth lead that leaves your writing experience crisp and effortless.
#pencilcollector #pencilcollection #neatpencil #blackwingvolumes #blackwing64
Gorgeous pencils in this quarter’s blackwing volumes box. Was thrilled to see two collectors tubes in this one! Love the message of Shop Small Business and you all definitely should if you can! I hope everyone is having a blessed Monday and you all have an amazing night! 🤍❤️🖤🧿
#blackwingpencil #blackwing #blackwingvolumes #pencils #pencil #neon #6 #december #2020 #shopsmallbusiness #shoplocal #pins #red #blue #collection #collectibles #collector #inlove #love #godisgood #godisgoodallthetime #godislove #godisgreat #monday #blessed #grateful #thankful #gratitude #gratidão #thankyou
Still really like my blackwing Tubes. 🤪 #blackwing #pencil
New pencils. New pencil sharpener. New enamel pin. And my first set of blackwing #pencils with the new logo, branding.
While growing up, I was always reminded that August 26 was “Women’s Equality Day” since August is also my birthday. When this #BlackwingVolumes was unveiled, I immediately ordered a set not only as a birthday gift to myself, but also to commemorate #WomensEqualityDay in this very important election year.
#BlackwingVolumes #BlackwingVolumeXIX #19thAmendment #WomensSuffrage #votingrights *
#VOTE #pencilporn
So excited that my blackwing subscription included these 19th Amendment pencils ... and the inalienable pin!
So happy my #blackwingvolumes subscription came in today. Purple is one of my favorite colors and this pencil and pin are gorgeous. Such a great meaning behind this pencil as well go check it out on their website. Have an amazing day everyone!
#blackwingpencil #blackwing #blackwingvolumes #purple #womenempowerment #womensvotingrights #women #blackwing602 #everyone #everyonematters #love #registertovote #vote #art #artist #stars #rosepin #subscribe #subscriptions #august #goodvibes #goodday #haveagreatday #yellow #xix #volumes #cometogether #24 #godisgood #iloveyougod
Hello, beautiful. Just received the new blackwing Volumes honoring the Nineteenth Amendment. Which are perfect, as they say, “for writing a letter to your Representatives, or practicing for your mail-in ballot.”
#19thamendment #womensuffragecentennial #womansuffrage #amwriting #votevotevote #pencilporn #writingimplements
Such a great mail day!! Thank you melaniecervantes jesusvbarraza blackwing & uspostalservice!
Mmmm, Blackwing awesomey goodness. The new blackwing Volumes edition has arrived. This time a tribute to #ravishankar , the best part is the smell from the Aparajita incense in the box. Extra-firm lead is a nice contrast to most of their pencils which are soft as butter. #blackwing602 #blackwingpencil #blackwing