Volume XIX Second Edition FAQ

Is this part of my Volumes subscription?

This release is not part of the Volumes subscription. New subscribers will continue to receive Volume 71 as their first shipment.


Is this the same pencil that was released in 2020?

This is the second edition of Volume XIX. It has a different graphite core compared to the first edition (extra-firm vs. firm), the graphite is stamped on the barrel of this edition, and the packaging has the “second edition” tag on it.


Are my Volumes pencils still special?

Yes! Think of this like a second pressing of a record. More people can enjoy these pencils thanks to the second edition, but the pencils released in 2020 will always be the first edition.


Will you be re-making other Volumes editions?

We don’t currently have any plans to re-make other Volumes editions. But nothing is off the table!


Why did you choose to re-make this edition?

We want more people to be able to enjoy these pencils and connect with the story we told back in 2020. It’s a story that is just as relevant today as it was four years ago.

Our first edition also sold out quickly, and we’ve gained more fans since then who never had a chance to buy these.


How is this making a difference?

We’re hoping to raise awareness for voter registration and the voting rights issues that people still face. Our audience has grown significantly since 2020, and we believe it is our duty to share this story with as many people as possible.

A portion of the proceeds will also go the League of Women’s Voters and their ongoing mission to protect and expand voting rights in America.


Why is Blackwing being political?

We believe every American deserves access to the electoral process. This is a human rights issue, not a political issue.


Where to read more:

Pencil Story: https://blog.blackwing602.com/introducing-blackwing-xix-the-voting-rights-pencil/
Article about Voter Suppression: https://blog.blackwing602.com/suffrage-for-all/
How to make a Voting Plan: https://blog.blackwing602.com/make-a-voting-plan/