Makers Series — Emily Jeffords
A Conversation with Emily Jeffords
“Do it for the process. Creativity is hard work and there are a lot of failures along the way – but if I can create for the joy of creativity itself then I can more easily push through the ups and downs of a creative career. “
What do you do?
I'm a painter, artist, and general creative person.

What does your work space look like? Where do you like to create?
I have two studio spaces in a large white 1890's house. High ceilings, wood floors, the history in this place is so evident and it's an honor to be working in her walls.
What role does the pencil play in your process?
I begin many of my paintings with light pencil sketches - drafting my ideas right on the canvas. I also use them to script my signature on the backs of fine art prints.
Why do you choose to work with pencils and, specifically, Blackwings?
I love how creamy they feel. I actually have terrible handwriting (unless I'm really concentrating) and my writer friend, Beth Ables, introduced me to Blackwing as a way to help me out in that area. She stopped by my studio one day so we could work on a project together and she was telling me about the history and quality of Blackwing pencils and how the smoothness of them might help me to be a better hand-writer... She was right! She offered to give me the one she was using that day - I refused - but after she left I found a pencil on the floor under the desk (on purpose on her part) and I've been using (and buying) them ever since!
What other tools are essential to your process?
Paints, canvases, fine papers, and brushes
How do you overcome creator's block?
Get use to creating "bad" work and keep painting. It may take days or weeks to overcome it but the only way to crack open that part of your brain we call "inspiration" is to create - rest - create. Sometimes a new perspective is needed so maybe changing your view, surroundings, or process just a bit can help.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Do it for the process. Creativity is hard work and there are a lot of failures along the way - but if I can create for the joy of creativity itself then I can more easily push through the ups and downs of a creative career.
Check out Emily Jeffords' website and Instagram